Saturday, August 13, 2011

Discouraging News

So, we had an offer on our existing house and were ready to move forward with the new house... that is  until the inspection report came back on our current house. We have foundation issues that we had no idea about. It's quite frustrating and shocking to us. We never had water issues and never even noticed the cracks. But after everything has been pointed out to us, we can see that even the wall is moving... not good at all. So, the buyer terminated the agreement and we have quotes to fix the problem. It's VERY costly and will cause us to remove our deck and an an entire wall of drywall from our finished basement so they can excavate and pour a new cement wall behind the current block the entire way across the back of our house and secure the current wall. Not sure what we're gonna do... we have to fix it but then we'll be re-listing our house as the holidays get closer, which is a crazy time to begin with. We may just pull the house and re-list in the spring. We are vey sad :(.


  1. That's just awful news. You must be heartbroken :-(

  2. So sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out for you. Things always happen for a reason. I know that doesn't make you feel any better...keep your head up!!!

  3. :( That IS really disappointing news. I'm really sorry. Is there any way to reduce the price of the house and sell it as is? The foundation work sounds costly and time consuming. I'm really, really sorry and hope you find a good resolution to this.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that. I agree with Ravenna Ranter. See if there is another alternative you can pursue. I hope things work out for you and your family.

  5. I am so sorry to hear the news. This really sucks! :)

  6. Thanks everyone! We are really bummed but everything happens for a reason, right? We checked with insurance, but as we expected, it's not covered. We're going to have one other company come for an estimate. It's a slightly different process to fix but not the lifetime warranty you get with the first option. We'll see what the price difference is and go from there. This is just another bump in the road of life and we're just delaying our dream, not ending it!
